Mijn Muziek

Freever   (2005)

Experimentele Jazz

Duo Moyo-Maya



Free Your Self (2006)

Lounge Music

God is a beat CD (2006)

New Beat Music


Warchild (2006)

Experimental Jazz

Tao Vibrations (2011)

Harp Music

Yehovih (2013)

Harp Music

Sounds of Silence (2017)

Chimes & tibetan bowls, windbells


The Blessing of God (2006)

Relaxation Music

The Final Stroke (2006)

Experimental Jazz

Miroku Bells (2009)

Tibetan Bowl Music

Serenade for the Angels (2013)

Harp Music

Zen harp (2014)

Harp Music


 Alle composities zijn gebaseerd op de I Tjing, de binaire code



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